Hi friends,
am conducting weekly tests for ias aspirants for General Studies.Here is the first test on Modern India
Modern India (Indian national movement)
Test 1
1. The social reformer of Bengal who championed the cause of widow remarriage was
a. M.G.Ranade b. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
c. D.K.Karve d. K.C.Sen
2. Whom did Mahatma Gandhi regard as his political guru?
a. Raychandbhai b. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
c. Henry Thoreau d. Leo Tolstoy
3. Through which principle of device did Gandhi strive to bridge economic inequalities?
a. abolition of machinery b. Trusteeship theory
c. establishment of village industries d. eradication of caste
4. Which revolutionary freedom figure turned to spiritualism?
a. Bhagat Singh b. Swami Vivekananda
c. Aurobindo Ghosh d. Ramana Maharshi
5. The Farman of free trade was given to the English East India company by which one of the following Mughal Emperors?
a. Rafi-ud-Durjat b. Shah Alam 2
c. Akbhar Shah 2 d. Farukhsiyar
6. What is the correct sequence of the following events?
i) Champaran Satyagraha ii) Salt Satyagraha
iii) Meerut Conspiracy Case iv) Lahore Conspiracy Case
a. I, ii, iii, iv b. I,ii,iv,iii c. I,iii,iv,ii d. I,iv,iii,ii
7. The Indian National Congress represented the views of the microscopic minority in India. This contention was maintained by
a. Lord Dufferin b. Lord Lansdowne
c. Lord Elgin 2 d. Lord Curzon.
8. Events of 1857-1858 in India have been usually described as Indian Mutiny or the First War of Independence. Name the British official under whose rule these events took place
a. Lord Dalhousie b. Lord Curzon
c. Lord Canning d. none
9. Mahatma Gandhi entered freedom struggle in India in the year
a. 1917 b. 1919 c.1911 d. 1915
10. Who was the first woman president of Indian national congress
a. Sarojini Naidu b. Annie Besant
c. Kasturba Gandhi d. Kamala Devi Chattopadhyaya
11. “Swaraj is my birthright”- who said it
a. Gopal Krishna Gokhale b. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
c. Mahatma Gandhi d. Lala Lajpat Rai
12. Punar Ashram founded by Acharya Vinoba Bhave is located in
a. Madhya Pradesh b. Maharashtra c. Gujarat d. Rajasthan
13. Who is the guru of Swami Vivekananda
a. Derozio b. Raja Rammohan Rai
c. Ramakrishna paramhansa d. Dayananda Saraswathi
14. Gandhi-Irwin Pact resulted in the ending of
a. Boycott of legislation b. Civil Disobedience
c. Liberalisation of salt laws d. grant of independence
15. Industrial revolution in the last quarter of 18th century in England first affected the
a. Iron and Steel Industry b. Cotton textiles industry
c. Coal mining industry d. shipping industry
16. The European renaissance of the 15th century is noted for great advances in
a. Mathematics b. Engineering
c. Medicine d. Art and Architecture
17. Servants of India society was founded by
a. Gopal Krishna Gokhale b. Laj pat rai
c. Tilak d. Bipin Chandra Pal
18. What is the correct sequence of the following events?
i) Cripss Mission ii) Wavell Plan
iii) Cabinet Mission iv) Quit India movement
a. I, ii, iii, iv b. I,ii,iv,iii c. I,iii,iv,ii d. I,iv,ii,iii
19. Which of the following is first happened in chronological order
a. Jalianwala Bagh b. Simon commission
c. Swaraj Party d. Rowlat act
20. who among the following was the first president of Constituent Assembly
a. Jawarlal Nehru b. Sardar Patel
c. Ambedkar d. Sachchidanandan Sinha
21. The first Partition of Bengal took place in
a. 1922 b. 1905 c.1911 d. 1915
22. Extremists and Moderates were divided into two at
a. Calcutta b. Bombay
c. Delhi d. Surat
23. Sarada Act is made to abolish
a. Widow Remarriage b. Child marriage
c. Sati d. early marriage
24. Local Self government was started by
a. Lord Curzon b. Lord Rippon
c. Lord Dalhousis d. Lord Wellessly
25. Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 failed due to
i) Lack of organization ii) Lack of unity iii) Lack of leadership
a.i,ii b.ii,iii c.i,ii,iii d.i,iii
26. Match the following
A. Lord Wellesly i. Subsidiary alliance
B. Lord Dalhousie ii. Government of India act
C. Lord Rippon iii. Doctrine of Lapse
D. Lord Canning iv. Local Self Government
a. A-i,B-ii,C-iii,D-iv b. A-i,B-iii,C-ii,D-iv
c. A-i,B-iii,C-iv,D-ii d. A-i,B-ii,C-iv,D-iii
27. Who among the following is the Grand Old man of India
a. M.K.Gandhi b. Dadabai naoroji
c. Jawaharlal Nehru c. Lokmanya tilak.
28. The East India company acquired Bombay from
a. Dutch b. Spain c. Portugal d. France
29. Who was the first Governor General of independent India
a. Lord Mountbatten b. C.rajagopalachari
c. Rajendra Prasad d. S.Radhakrishnan
30. Who was the architect who designed New Delhi
a. Le Corbusier b. Lloyd Wright
c. E.L.Lutyens d. Lloyd George
31. In which year was the first railway train started in India?
a. 1853 b. 1858 c. 1869 d. 1885
32. Which of the following newspapers was published in Bengali language?
a. Jugantar b. Loksatta c. Pratap d. Din mani
33. By which act was Dyarchy introduced in the provinces of British India?
a. Indian Councils Act, 1909 b. Government of India act 1919
c. Government of India act, 1935 d. India Independence act 1947
34. Dandi March was launched by Mahatma Gandhi in
a. 1905 b. 1921 c. 1930 d. 1942
35. Railway and Telegraph systems were introduced in India by
a. Lord Dalhousie b. Lord Cornwallis
c. Lord Bentick d. Lord Wellesly
36. which of the following movement truly reflected the spirit of Hindu Muslim unity in India.
a. Swadeshi Movement b. Civil Disobedience Movement
c. Quit India movement d. Khiolafat moveemtn
37. Which reformer from Maharashtra was known as Lokhitavadi?
a. M.G.Ranade b. Gopal Krishna Gokahale
c. Pandita Ramabai d. Gopal Hari Deshmukh
38. Whose assertion of temple entry rights led to serious riots at Tirunelveli in 1899?
a. Okkalings b. Nadars c. Mahars d. Pallis
39. Who among the following characterized the Revolt of 1857 as a “Conspiracy”?
a. G.B.Malleson b. Sir John Kaye
c. Sir John Lawrence d. T.R.holmes
40. Which of the following classes did not participate in the Revolt of 1857
a. Agricultural laborers b. Money lenders
c. Peasants d. Zamindars
41. The Revolt of 1857 affected several towns in Bihar. Which of the following entries gives the correct sequence of the outbreak of the revolt in different town of Bihar?
a. Patna, Muzaffarpur, Rohini, Jagdishpur
b. Rohini ,Patna, Muzaffarpur, , Jagdishpur
c. Muzaffarpur, Rohini, Jagdishpur, Patna
d. Patna, Muzaffarpur, Jagdishpur ,Rohini,
42. Name the tribe which rose in revolt against the British for suppressing the practice of human sacrifice?
a. Kukis b. Khonds c. Oraons d. Naikdas
43. In which year was Hindustan Republican Association founded?
a. 1920 b. 1924 c. 1928 d. 1930
44. who established the Satya Shodhak Samaj in 1873?
a. Gokhale b. Jyoiba Phule c. Shivanath Sasthry d. Gandhi
45. which of the following sections remained largely unaffected by swadeshi Movement fo 1905?
i. women ii. Peasantry iii. Muslims iv. Intelligentsia
chose your answer.
a.i,ii b. I,ii,iii c. ii,iii d. I,iv
46. Who among the following was not involved in founding the Home rule League?
a. Bal Gangadhar Tilak b. Annie Besant
c. S.subramaniya Iyer d. H.S. Olcott
47. Who looked upon the Khilafat Movemet as an opportunity of uniting Hindus and Muslims as would not arise in a hundred years?
a. Ali brothers b. Abul Kalam Azad
c. Gandhi d. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
48. Indicate the correct sequence of events leading to the sudpension of Non-cooperation movement
i. police firing at Chauri Chaura
ii. burning of the police station by a violent mob
iii. suspension of the movement by Gandhi
iv. arrest of Gandhiji
chose the answer
a. I,ii,iii,iv b. I,iii,ii,iv c.i,ii,iv,iii d. I,iv,iii,iv
49. who was the first Indian to become a member of the Communist International
a. M.N.Roy b. Muzaffar Ahmed
c. S.A.Dange d. Jyothi Basu
50. When was the All India State Peoples conference founded?
a. 1924 b. 1936 c. 1927 d.1929
Test 1
1. The social reformer of Bengal who championed the cause of widow remarriage was
a. M.G.Ranade b. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
c. D.K.Karve d. K.C.Sen
2. Whom did Mahatma Gandhi regard as his political guru?
a. Raychandbhai b. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
c. Henry Thoreau d. Leo Tolstoy
3. Through which principle of device did Gandhi strive to bridge economic inequalities?
a. abolition of machinery b. Trusteeship theory
c. establishment of village industries d. eradication of caste
4. Which revolutionary freedom figure turned to spiritualism?
a. Bhagat Singh b. Swami Vivekananda
c. Aurobindo Ghosh d. Ramana Maharshi
5. The Farman of free trade was given to the English East India company by which one of the following Mughal Emperors?
a. Rafi-ud-Durjat b. Shah Alam 2
c. Akbhar Shah 2 d. Farukhsiyar
6. What is the correct sequence of the following events?
i) Champaran Satyagraha ii) Salt Satyagraha
iii) Meerut Conspiracy Case iv) Lahore Conspiracy Case
a. I, ii, iii, iv b. I,ii,iv,iii c. I,iii,iv,ii d. I,iv,iii,ii
7. The Indian National Congress represented the views of the microscopic minority in India. This contention was maintained by
a. Lord Dufferin b. Lord Lansdowne
c. Lord Elgin 2 d. Lord Curzon.
8. Events of 1857-1858 in India have been usually described as Indian Mutiny or the First War of Independence. Name the British official under whose rule these events took place
a. Lord Dalhousie b. Lord Curzon
c. Lord Canning d. none
9. Mahatma Gandhi entered freedom struggle in India in the year
a. 1917 b. 1919 c.1911 d. 1915
10. Who was the first woman president of Indian national congress
a. Sarojini Naidu b. Annie Besant
c. Kasturba Gandhi d. Kamala Devi Chattopadhyaya
11. “Swaraj is my birthright”- who said it
a. Gopal Krishna Gokhale b. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
c. Mahatma Gandhi d. Lala Lajpat Rai
12. Punar Ashram founded by Acharya Vinoba Bhave is located in
a. Madhya Pradesh b. Maharashtra c. Gujarat d. Rajasthan
13. Who is the guru of Swami Vivekananda
a. Derozio b. Raja Rammohan Rai
c. Ramakrishna paramhansa d. Dayananda Saraswathi
14. Gandhi-Irwin Pact resulted in the ending of
a. Boycott of legislation b. Civil Disobedience
c. Liberalisation of salt laws d. grant of independence
15. Industrial revolution in the last quarter of 18th century in England first affected the
a. Iron and Steel Industry b. Cotton textiles industry
c. Coal mining industry d. shipping industry
16. The European renaissance of the 15th century is noted for great advances in
a. Mathematics b. Engineering
c. Medicine d. Art and Architecture
17. Servants of India society was founded by
a. Gopal Krishna Gokhale b. Laj pat rai
c. Tilak d. Bipin Chandra Pal
18. What is the correct sequence of the following events?
i) Cripss Mission ii) Wavell Plan
iii) Cabinet Mission iv) Quit India movement
a. I, ii, iii, iv b. I,ii,iv,iii c. I,iii,iv,ii d. I,iv,ii,iii
19. Which of the following is first happened in chronological order
a. Jalianwala Bagh b. Simon commission
c. Swaraj Party d. Rowlat act
20. who among the following was the first president of Constituent Assembly
a. Jawarlal Nehru b. Sardar Patel
c. Ambedkar d. Sachchidanandan Sinha
21. The first Partition of Bengal took place in
a. 1922 b. 1905 c.1911 d. 1915
22. Extremists and Moderates were divided into two at
a. Calcutta b. Bombay
c. Delhi d. Surat
23. Sarada Act is made to abolish
a. Widow Remarriage b. Child marriage
c. Sati d. early marriage
24. Local Self government was started by
a. Lord Curzon b. Lord Rippon
c. Lord Dalhousis d. Lord Wellessly
25. Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 failed due to
i) Lack of organization ii) Lack of unity iii) Lack of leadership
a.i,ii b.ii,iii c.i,ii,iii d.i,iii
26. Match the following
A. Lord Wellesly i. Subsidiary alliance
B. Lord Dalhousie ii. Government of India act
C. Lord Rippon iii. Doctrine of Lapse
D. Lord Canning iv. Local Self Government
a. A-i,B-ii,C-iii,D-iv b. A-i,B-iii,C-ii,D-iv
c. A-i,B-iii,C-iv,D-ii d. A-i,B-ii,C-iv,D-iii
27. Who among the following is the Grand Old man of India
a. M.K.Gandhi b. Dadabai naoroji
c. Jawaharlal Nehru c. Lokmanya tilak.
28. The East India company acquired Bombay from
a. Dutch b. Spain c. Portugal d. France
29. Who was the first Governor General of independent India
a. Lord Mountbatten b. C.rajagopalachari
c. Rajendra Prasad d. S.Radhakrishnan
30. Who was the architect who designed New Delhi
a. Le Corbusier b. Lloyd Wright
c. E.L.Lutyens d. Lloyd George
31. In which year was the first railway train started in India?
a. 1853 b. 1858 c. 1869 d. 1885
32. Which of the following newspapers was published in Bengali language?
a. Jugantar b. Loksatta c. Pratap d. Din mani
33. By which act was Dyarchy introduced in the provinces of British India?
a. Indian Councils Act, 1909 b. Government of India act 1919
c. Government of India act, 1935 d. India Independence act 1947
34. Dandi March was launched by Mahatma Gandhi in
a. 1905 b. 1921 c. 1930 d. 1942
35. Railway and Telegraph systems were introduced in India by
a. Lord Dalhousie b. Lord Cornwallis
c. Lord Bentick d. Lord Wellesly
36. which of the following movement truly reflected the spirit of Hindu Muslim unity in India.
a. Swadeshi Movement b. Civil Disobedience Movement
c. Quit India movement d. Khiolafat moveemtn
37. Which reformer from Maharashtra was known as Lokhitavadi?
a. M.G.Ranade b. Gopal Krishna Gokahale
c. Pandita Ramabai d. Gopal Hari Deshmukh
38. Whose assertion of temple entry rights led to serious riots at Tirunelveli in 1899?
a. Okkalings b. Nadars c. Mahars d. Pallis
39. Who among the following characterized the Revolt of 1857 as a “Conspiracy”?
a. G.B.Malleson b. Sir John Kaye
c. Sir John Lawrence d. T.R.holmes
40. Which of the following classes did not participate in the Revolt of 1857
a. Agricultural laborers b. Money lenders
c. Peasants d. Zamindars
41. The Revolt of 1857 affected several towns in Bihar. Which of the following entries gives the correct sequence of the outbreak of the revolt in different town of Bihar?
a. Patna, Muzaffarpur, Rohini, Jagdishpur
b. Rohini ,Patna, Muzaffarpur, , Jagdishpur
c. Muzaffarpur, Rohini, Jagdishpur, Patna
d. Patna, Muzaffarpur, Jagdishpur ,Rohini,
42. Name the tribe which rose in revolt against the British for suppressing the practice of human sacrifice?
a. Kukis b. Khonds c. Oraons d. Naikdas
43. In which year was Hindustan Republican Association founded?
a. 1920 b. 1924 c. 1928 d. 1930
44. who established the Satya Shodhak Samaj in 1873?
a. Gokhale b. Jyoiba Phule c. Shivanath Sasthry d. Gandhi
45. which of the following sections remained largely unaffected by swadeshi Movement fo 1905?
i. women ii. Peasantry iii. Muslims iv. Intelligentsia
chose your answer.
a.i,ii b. I,ii,iii c. ii,iii d. I,iv
46. Who among the following was not involved in founding the Home rule League?
a. Bal Gangadhar Tilak b. Annie Besant
c. S.subramaniya Iyer d. H.S. Olcott
47. Who looked upon the Khilafat Movemet as an opportunity of uniting Hindus and Muslims as would not arise in a hundred years?
a. Ali brothers b. Abul Kalam Azad
c. Gandhi d. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
48. Indicate the correct sequence of events leading to the sudpension of Non-cooperation movement
i. police firing at Chauri Chaura
ii. burning of the police station by a violent mob
iii. suspension of the movement by Gandhi
iv. arrest of Gandhiji
chose the answer
a. I,ii,iii,iv b. I,iii,ii,iv c.i,ii,iv,iii d. I,iv,iii,iv
49. who was the first Indian to become a member of the Communist International
a. M.N.Roy b. Muzaffar Ahmed
c. S.A.Dange d. Jyothi Basu
50. When was the All India State Peoples conference founded?
a. 1924 b. 1936 c. 1927 d.1929
(Answers will be uploaded on sunday 31st jan,2010)