Sunday, November 28, 2010

Interpersonal Skills Questionnaire


For each statement listed below, rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each of the items. A rating of 10 would indicate that the statement is always true and a rating of 1 would indicate that it is never true.

1. I always say please and thank you when I ask someone for something.

2. The clothes I wear would never offend another person.

3. If something bad happens to someone I don't like, I tell my friends and laugh about it when that person is not around.

4. I never curse or use offensive language in public places.

5. My hair is clean and well groomed.

6. People who know me would describe me as cheerful and friendly.

7. I always have good posture.

8. When I talk with someone, I look them in the eyes.

9. I keep my fingernails clean and nicely trimmed.

10. I usually become angry and lose my temper when things don't go the way I want them to.

11. When other people do something different from the way I would do it, I avoid being critical of them.

12. I don't bite my fingernails.

13. When I sneeze or cough, I always cover my mouth.

14. My table manners are very good.

15. If someone gives me a gift or does me a favor, I send them a thank you note.

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